MORE’s story
MORE was born out of the merging of two existing industrial parks – Moreeni in Hämeenlinna and Rastikangas in Janakkala.
Construction and development of both sites began around the year 2000, with the City of Hämeenlinna and the Municipality of Janakkala working together on studies related to the development of the area since 2012. A development agreement was signed in 2017, marking the start of preparation work on the coordination and pilot projects.
The development work has been steered by a working group with members from Hämeenlinna, Janakkala, Linna Business Development, the Regional Council of Häme, and Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK).
In 2020, the existing industrial parks were merged under the name Industrial Park MORE. The name reflects the region’s versatile offering and the outstanding opportunities it has created for businesses.
Development of a new, central flyover junction is underway, which will also serve as the location of a service area for High Capacity Transport (HCT) vehicles. Construction of the site is currently anticipated to be completed in 2024-2025.
The municipalities of Hämeenlinna and Janakkala have invested more than EUR 20 million in the development of the industrial park area, with companies investing a further EUR 80–100 million since 2012.
Around 90 companies employing some 1,500 people have been established on the current site of approx. 700 hectares. Land use planning is progressing on both the Hämeenlinna and Janakkala sides towards the planned motorway junction, as is the construction of the necessary infrastructure.
In collaboration with the area’s municipalities, education providers, and businesses, a number of funded project proposals have been submitted to support further development of the MORE business district and its services in the context of circular economy, logistics, production, and diversified energy solutions.
The diverse range of services offered in the area includes canteens, meeting and office spaces, vehicle and property maintenance, refuelling points, and diverse services related to the circular economy.
“MORE is Finland’s largest and most central business ecosystem.”
MORE is set to continue its phased expansion over the 1000-hectare site, providing an attractive and versatile environment for companies operating in the manufacturing, logistics, circular economy, and related sectors. As zoning progresses, over a hundred new plots of varying sizes and uses will be made available.
MORE aims to provide a dynamic and synergistic business environment for a wide range of companies.
By creating the conditions for carbon-neutral, sustainable, and climate-friendly business, MORE is committed to upholding the values and practices of the circular economy.
Work on High Capacity Transport (HCT) services is under way near the planned motorway junction, set for completion in 2025. The HCT services will serve the industrial park’s heavy and passenger traffic.
This development will also see an increase in the range of infrastructural support services available in the area, including heavy vehicle maintenance, vehicle testing, and specialised logistics and construction services.