Sustainable Development Goals
Industrial Park MORE’s goal is to be an eco-industrial park operating in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations. The most important goals have been identified for MORE, which are numbers 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17. MORE will be further developed based on these SDG’s together with companies in the area and other stakeholders.

6. Clean water and sanitation
In the MORE area, the aim is to manage rainwater. Its effect is accentuated by increasing, heavy rains due to climate change. Companies operating in the area are encouraged to use water resources responsibly and to treat waste water. The nearby Natura area and the water bodies are taken into account in the processing of rainwater, soil materials and the construction of infrastructure.
7. Affordable and clean energy
An Energy Master Plan has been made for MORE, based on which sustainable energy solutions (hybrid) are being developed in cooperation with energy companies, Häme University of Applied Sciences, the City of Hämeenlinna and companies. For example, in the HAMK-led Energy Observatory project, various incentives are created for building and real estate owners to commit to and to choose low-carbon solutions.
8. Decent work and economic growth
MORE is constantly being developed from a sustainable development perspective, taking into account financial, social and environmental sustainabilities. For example, a survey was carried out to inform employers about commuting (smooth and sustainable service chains) and workforce needs. Also, based on the MORE Ecosystem survey, efforts have been made to find linkages that support economic sustainability.
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
A protected Natura area is located next to Industrial Park MORE. Taking into account the loss and preservation of biodeversity, we aim to build all activities on sustainable development solutions and seek innovations in cooperation with universities, research units, companies and the land-use-planning unit of the City of Hämeenlinna. For example, sustainable building materials, digital solutions for the use of energy and water in buildings.
11. Sustainable cities and communities
The City of Hämeenlinna has started the Carbon Neutral Hämeenlinna program work and is involved in the Häme Climate Watch. The City’s goal is to be carbon neutral by 2035.
12. Responsible consumption and production
A circular economy village is located in the heart of MORE, and is constantly being built and developed. Development work is being done for better utilization of circular economy’s side streams, based on tomorrow’s needs. For example, the side streams of construction and metal industries as well as the optimization of transport within the area have been studied and further measures will be implemented with companies in the area. In particular, the implementation of the EIP (Eco Industrial Park) concept contributes to the sustainability in the area.
13. Climate action
Sensors measuring climate change are being installed within MORE, which will generate regular data on e.g. traffic emissions and energy use. Based on the collected data (management and knowledge), operations can be continuously developed towards carbon neutrality and new sustainable solutions can be identified through research, development and innovation cooperation together with companies and universities’ research units.
15. Life on land
The development of Industrial Park MORE follows the principles of sustainable development (energy efficiency, local energy production, sustainable means of transportation, green corridors, natural management of rainwaters, waste management and recycling). The area invests in circular economy, resource-wise operations and ecological energy solutions.
17. Partnerships for the goals
The City of Hämeenlinna has launched the Carbon Neutral Hämeenlinna -program and uses in its operations the –system, which is linked to climate partnerships.
Industrial Park MORE is at the forefront of developing the operations of the entire business area in accordance with Sustainable Development Goals, with concrete measures and through project, research and innovation cooperation.
We are pleased to be an active member ot the nationwide Sixnet network (renewable industry) and of the national Eco-Industrial Park Network. Both network memberships promote and support the principles of sustainable development nationally and regionally, benefiting of good practices of sustainable development and exchange of know-how.